52Providing and laying of 100mm id DI K7 Water Supply Pipe line and all other works contingent thereto in balance area Village Rampur Sahni and Maida Majra at Nangal.
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
40.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
53Providing and laying 150mm id and 200mm id UPVC Pipe Sewer and all other works contingent thereto in balance area of village Rampur Sahni and Maida Majra at Nangal.
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
50.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
55Providing & Laying of D.I K-7 Water Supply Pipe line, Construction of Brick Masonery, S.V./F.H. Haudies, House Connection for Water Supply, Road Cutting and restoration, and all other works contingent thereto.” In Garhshankar Town. (under BUCIP) Phase-I
Hoshiarpur - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.07 Crore |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
56Providing and laying jointing cutting testing of Water Supply DI K7 100mm i d pipe line and Sew UPVC 200mm i d pipe line and const of Manhole Chamber in various streets of Mahajan Hospital Wali Gali Havellian at Fatehgarh Churian Distt Gurdaspur
Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value :
31.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
59Providing, Installing and Commissioning of Online Continuous Monitoring System, complete in all respects at 12 Nos. Sewage Treatment Plants at Ropar Division and Ludhiana Circle, PWSSB.
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.61 Crore |Agency Name :
Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board