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11 Maintenance and Repair to Ghanegaon, Chhwadi, Hatti, Khampada Minor Project Tal Sakri Dist Dhule Repairs to pitching at dam, cutting down trees, cleaning approach channal and supplying labour for MI Tanks
12 Maintenance and Repair to Shindkheda, Nimgul,Chirane, Zotwade, Mahalpur KT Tal Shindkheda Dist Dhule Removing and fixing MS Needles at KT weir and Methi, Shewade MI at repairs to pitching of dam, cutting tress at MI
13 Maintenance and Repair to Morane, Varkheda KT Tal Dhule, Ajande, Padawad, Bhilane, Mudawad KT Tal Shindkheda Dist Dhule Removing and fixing MS Needles at KT weir
14 Maintanace and Repairs of LHS and RHS of flank, rock toe, additional toe drain, gauide bund of Bahula Medium Project and Kalamsara M.I. Tank
TRN : 841441 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 22.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for maintanace and repairs of lhs and rhs of flank, rock toe, additional toe drain, gauide bund of bahula medium project and kalamsara m.i. tank
15 Maintenance and Repair to Tondapur Medium and Hivarkheda M. I. Project Clearing and removing grass and bushes Right and left side of earthen dam, repairs to rock Toe Toe Drain and pitching and other allied works.
16 Maintenance and Repair to Agnawati Medium Project and Sarve-Khajola M.I. Tank, Repairs to Left and Right Bank and Tail Channel of Dam.
TRN : 841443 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for maintenance and repair to agnawati medium project and sarve-khajola m.i. tank, repairs to left and right bank and tail channel of dam.
17 Maintenance and Repair work of Pitching, Cleaning removing silt from wetland area of nalla approach channel and drains of Moykheda digar Lahasar and Pimpalgaon Wakod M. I. Tank Taluka Jamner Dist Jalgaon
18 Maintenance and Repair to M. I. Tank Gondegaon and Bilwadi Tal. Jamner Repairs to Dam, Pitching, Rock Toe Spillway and Nalla Regradation
TRN : 841445 |  Jamner - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for maintenance and repair to m. i. tank gondegaon and bilwadi tal. jamner repairs to dam, pitching, rock toe spillway and nalla regradation
19 Maintenance and Repair to pitching at Hatnur Dam. and Repairs to Pitching at ch.130 m to 590 m of Suki Earthen Dam.
TRN : 841446 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for maintenance and repair to pitching at hatnur dam. and repairs to pitching at ch.130 m to 590 m of suki earthen dam.
20 Maintenance and Repair to foundation hole in the gallery for Right Side of Hatnur Dam
TRN : 841447 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 22.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for maintenance and repair to foundation hole in the gallery for right side of hatnur dam

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