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31 Repairs to Drains and IInllet pattches off Branch--3 and Dy.. No.. – 1 off Branch – 2 off Lower Giirna Canall
TRN : 838362 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for repairs to drains and iinllet pattches off branch--3 and dy.. no.. – 1 off branch – 2 off lower giirna canall
32 Repairs to Dahiigaon Bandhara Both side Flood Bank,, L..G..C.. Draiin IInllett Km.. 06 tto 16 & Km.. 20 tto 26 & Branch--1.
TRN : 838363 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 26.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for repairs to dahiigaon bandhara both side flood bank,, l..g..c.. draiin iinllett km.. 06 tto 16 & km.. 20 tto 26 & branch--1.
33 Repairs to Disturbed pittching,, Construction Jamda Weir Approach Channell off Jamda Weiir and siide Draiin tto JRBC Km. 12 & 24,, P/F MS Raillliing tto Jamda Canalls.
34 Esttiimatte for Deffiicienciies Notiiced by DSO of Rajjdehare and Valltthan and 2702 Maintenance and Repair To M..II.. Tank Att Krushnapuri and Pathrad
35 Repairs tto Manyad Dam for Dry Stone Pitching 0 to 700 Guiide Bund,, Approach and Taiill Channell and Railing on Briidges and S.W..F for Panzan Left Bank Canal.
36 Colouring to Radiall Gatte 1 to 14 [D//S siide],,Hoiistt Bridge arms and Reparing Dry Sttone Piittchiing Bettween Chaiinage 400 to 600 & 627 to 827 M.. off Giirna Dam Tall.. Nandgaon,, Diistt.. Nashiik
37 Shifting Supply and Erection of existing 100 KVA Auxillary Transformer from the 11 KV Bay affected area and Construction of U C R Compound wall for 11 KV Bay area of Varkhede Londhe Barrage at MSEDCL 33 and 11 KV Substation Umbarkhede Tal Chal
38 Waghur Project :- Constructing Check-Dam on River Kag near Jamner city for catchment area treatment of Waghur Project Tal-Jamner Dist- Jalgaon. (Estimated Cost Rs.1,27,28,386/-)
39 Manikpunj Project Tal Nandgaon Dist Nashik Construction of Approach Road for Manikpunj Dam
TRN : 770879 |  Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 81.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for manikpunj project tal nandgaon dist nashik construction of approach road for manikpunj dam
40 Manikpunj Project Tal Nandgaon Dist Nashik Construction of Canal Lining RCC Pipe between Km 2 0 to Km 8 0 of Manikpunj Right Bank Canal
TRN : 770880 |  Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 88.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
Tender award for manikpunj project tal nandgaon dist nashik construction of canal lining rcc pipe between km 2 0 to km 8 0 of manikpunj right bank canal

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