33Repairs to Disturbed pittching,, Construction Jamda Weir Approach Channell off Jamda Weiir and siide Draiin tto JRBC Km. 12 & 24,, P/F MS Raillliing tto Jamda Canalls.
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
17.37 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
34Esttiimatte for Deffiicienciies Notiiced by DSO of Rajjdehare and Valltthan and 2702 Maintenance and Repair To M..II.. Tank Att Krushnapuri and Pathrad
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
14.79 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
35Repairs tto Manyad Dam for Dry Stone Pitching 0 to 700 Guiide Bund,, Approach and Taiill Channell and Railing on Briidges and S.W..F for Panzan Left Bank Canal.
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
28.02 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
36Colouring to Radiall Gatte 1 to 14 [D//S siide],,Hoiistt Bridge arms and Reparing Dry Sttone Piittchiing Bettween Chaiinage 400 to 600 & 627 to 827 M.. off Giirna Dam Tall..
Nandgaon,, Diistt.. Nashiik
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
26.44 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
37Shifting Supply and Erection of existing 100 KVA Auxillary Transformer from the 11 KV Bay affected area and Construction of U C R Compound wall for 11 KV Bay area of Varkhede Londhe Barrage at MSEDCL 33 and 11 KV Substation Umbarkhede Tal Chal
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
6.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation
38Waghur Project :- Constructing Check-Dam on River Kag near Jamner city for catchment area treatment of Waghur Project Tal-Jamner Dist- Jalgaon. (Estimated Cost Rs.1,27,28,386/-)
Jalgaon - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
1.27 Crore |Agency Name :
Tapi Irrigation Development Corporation