803Closing of breach at Ch. 2.80th Km R/B and 1st Km L/B and strengthening of Kakodonga bund both banks from Borholla to Dhodar Ali under SOPD FDR 2019-20.
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
17.21 Crore |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
806Reconstruction of Breached embankment at Kabaribond village alongwith improvement of Longai L/B embankment from Ch. 0 to 21.95 KM including anti-erosion measures at different reaches
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
5.41 Crore |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
808Constructing concrete Protection wall in selected bankwork portion in Km No. 4 from Ch. 3830 M. to 3920 M.and Resectioning of Left Bank Canal from Km. 3 to Km. 6 of Minor Irrigation Tank Inambari, Tal :-Peth, Dist :- Nashik
Nasikcity - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
24.64 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
809Cardium compound lubrication on wire ropes and servicing, oiling, greasing of accessories of 13no. Radial cest gates with stoplog gates, lifting beam and 100T capacity gantry crane and 8-number intake gates of LBMC at saddle no. 1 of tawa dam under pre-mansoon maintenance for the year 2020-21
Hoshangabad - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department