You have searched for burdwan-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1661 Payloader loading into wagons at NLOCP Railway Siding under SOR discount bid (2015-17), BCCL CV Area
TRN : 659324 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 13.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for payloader loading into wagons at nlocp railway siding under sor discount bid (2015-17), bccl cv area
1662 Sand transportation from Pirthanghat,Ramnagarghat and Sidhaghat of Ajoy river to Siduli new sand bunker of Kenda Area,ECL.
TRN : 665452 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.71 Crore | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for sand transportation from pirthanghat,ramnagarghat and sidhaghat of ajoy river to siduli new sand bunker of kenda area,ecl.
1663 Contractual transportation of SAND from Pirthan Ghat, Ramnagar Ghat, Sidha Ghat of Ajoy River to the Padmabati Bunker of Nabakajora Colliery for 2018-19
1664 Upgradation of Block repairing 80 Unit various types of Qtr. Kitchen Floor Tiles, Steel Nett for door and window, Wash Basin Mirror, Water Tank, Exhaust Fan etc. under SCW.
1665 Contractual transportation of SAND from Pirthan Ghat, Ramnagar Ghat, Sidha Ghat of Ajoy River AND 1/1, 1/7, 1/5 Dumps of J.K. Ropeways to the Sand Bunker of Central Kajora Colliery for 2019-20
TRN : 659283 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 22.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for transportation of mining timber to pandaveswar area
1667 Contractual transportation of SAND from Pirthan Ghat, Ramnagar Ghat AND Sidha Ghat of Ajoy River to the Bunker No. 2 of Jambad (U.G) Colliery for 2019-20
1668 Roof supporting by roof bolting for the proposed caving and cross stitching at all junction in R-V seam of Khottadih Colliery under Pandaveswar Area, ECL.
1669 Construction of concrete road at madhabdihi badal house pir pukur kon to Bhikhu Kshetrapal house 02-06-01-05-16-40
1670 Construction of 04 nos. of side wall near Pit. No. 4 beside Pit no. 3 in the main return airway of R-VI and R-V seam of Khottadih Colliery under Pandaveswar Area, ECL.

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