You have searched for cannanore-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Special repairs to bldg. No MES-4 of 122 Inf Bn (TA) Madras at West hill, Calicut under AGE (I) Cannanore.Special repairs to bldg. No MES-4 of 122 Inf Bn (TA) Madras at West hill, Calicut under AGE (I) Cannanore.
2 Provision of overhead water tank for md accn Wl-31, WL-32 and WL-33 (24 Qtrs) in Wellesly line at Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore.
3 Special repairs/replacement of unserviceable UPVC/GI pipe line for bldg Nos PAO-I to VI, C-1 to C-III and WL-8 to 10, WL-34 to 36, WL-40 and connected works at DSC Centre Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore.
4 Addition/alteration to bldg No E-2 at MH Cannanore under AGE (I) Cannanore.
TRN : 826702 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for addition/alteration to bldg no e-2 at mh cannanore under age (i) cannanore.
5 Spl repairs/replacement of LT overhead line to LT UG cable and security lights in offrs md accn area (RA-20, RA-22, RA-13, RA-14) at DSC Centre Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore
6 Provn of two toilet blocks for patients of family ward and hospital lab at MH Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore
TRN : 669417 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of two toilet blocks for patients of family ward and hospital lab at mh kannur under age (i) cannanore
7 Repairs to roof, flooring, joineries, ceiling, plastering etc to certain buildings at Zone A area under AGE
TRN : 713562 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to roof, flooring, joineries, ceiling, plastering etc to certain buildings at zone a area under age
8 Special repairs to building No II-2A at ARO Calicut and Provn of certain civil works at Calicut and Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore.
9 Term contract for artificers works at zone A area at Cannanore under AGE (I) Cannanore.
TRN : 688528 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 2 | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for term contract for artificers works at zone a area at cannanore under age (i) cannanore.
10 Repairs to certain civil works to Offrs md accn area at Zone B area under AGE (I) Cannanore.
TRN : 683383 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to certain civil works to offrs md accn area at zone b area under age (i) cannanore.

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