You have searched for cannanore-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Repairs to certain civil works to OTM and Md accns at Zone D area under AGE (I) Cannanore.
TRN : 672286 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to certain civil works to otm and md accns at zone d area under age (i) cannanore.
12 Repairs/replacement of GI/UPVC pipe line of different sizes and connected works including repairs to pump sets of various capacities at Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore.
13 Repairs to certain civil works to buildings at Zone B area under AGE (I) Cannanore.
TRN : 664509 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to certain civil works to buildings at zone b area under age (i) cannanore.
14 Repairs to pump sets, chloronome plants and replacement of sluice valves etc at Calicut under AGE (I) Cannanore.
TRN : 660972 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to pump sets, chloronome plants and replacement of sluice valves etc at calicut under age (i) cannanore.
15 Repairs to certain civil works in OTM accn at Zone A at DSC Centre under AGE (I) Cannanore
TRN : 660980 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repairs to certain civil works in otm accn at zone a at dsc centre under age (i) cannanore
16 Repairs to compound wall, fencing, footpath, garbage bins, sewage line, septic tank, drainage etc at DSC Centre under AGE (I) Cannanore
17 Repairs/replacement of street light fittings and connected accessories at DSC Centre Kannur and married accn area under AGE (I) Cannanore.
18 Provn of rain water harvesting at Shivaji Coy DSC Centre and Special repairs to foot path, curves along the road sides of MES and DSC Centre Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore.
19 contract for Artificers Works for Zone B area under AGE (I) Cannanore
TRN : 608585 |  Cannanore - Kerala
Contract Value : 2 | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for contract for artificers works for zone b area under age (i) cannanore
20 Periodical services to certain buildings of MH, DSC Centre, DSC Records, DCP Qtrs, RA lines and MES Qtrs under AGE (I) Cannanore

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