44Estimate for Cleaning, Weed, Jaala, Sarkanda, Booti etc of Chirewan L/Drain RD 0-7950 and Chirewan Field L/Drain RD 0-3100, Kotkapura L/Drain RD 0-54500, ....... And Maintenance of Drainage Lift Scheme Pond No. 1 and 2 for Village Haraj Year 2019-20
Faridkot - Punjab
Contract Value :
19.58 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
49Collection and loading of JHARFOOS for year 2020-21 from the Main Grain Mandi and Purchase Center under the notified Area of MC Sadiq The contract will be applicable for 12 Months (01-04-2020 to 31-03-2021).
Faridkot - Punjab
Contract Value :
7.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture
50Collection and loading of JHARFOOS for year 2020-21 from the Main Grain Mandi and Purchase Center under the notified Area of MC Kotkapura The contract will be applicable for 12 Months (01-04-2020 to 31-03-2021).
Faridkot - Punjab
Contract Value :
35.51 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture