58Periodical Repair of Kotkapura Jaitu Chandbhan road Km 4.00 to 16.43 and 16.91 to 23.33 Total 18.85 Km. including Maintenance of Road for 5 Year One Year Defect Liability Period and Four Year Maintenance Period
Faridkot - Punjab
Contract Value :
4.25 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
59Periodical Repair of Baja Khana Jaitu Road Km 0.00 to 9.35. including Maintenance of Road for 5 Year One Year Defect Liability Period and Four Year Maintenance Period
Faridkot - Punjab
Contract Value :
2.74 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
60Special Repair of Faridkot Ferozpur Road Km 0.95 to 19.22 total 18.27 Km Dist Faridkot Under Head 5054 RB10 including maintenance for 5 years one defect liability period and four year maintenance period
Faridkot - Punjab
Contract Value :
10.61 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department