You have searched for guwahati-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1231 Comprehensive maintenance of 1x17 TR and 7x8.5 / 11TR ductable split AC units at LGBI Airport Guwahati.
TRN : 644342 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 4.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for comprehensive maintenance of 1x17 tr and 7x8.5 / 11tr ductable split ac units at lgbi airport guwahati.
1232 Construction of Boundary Wall at Narayanpur Muga Farm BMSF and Bossagaon MFPC for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD ODS
1233 Construction of Boundary Wall at Agia Seri Farm, Batiyamari CMG and Khagarpur CMG for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD-ODS
1234 Construction of Boundary Wall at Barahibari Muga Farm (MSDP),Mathurapur CMG and Mahmora MMC for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD-ODS
1235 Construction of Boundary Wall at Howly Seri Farm for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD-ODS
1236 Construction of Boundary Wall at Muga Substation Sarupathar and Jagduar Muga Farm (MSDP) for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD-ODS
1237 Construction of Boundary Wall at Neli ECC for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD-ODS
TRN : 587416 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 35.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Handloom Handicrafts Of Sericuture
Tender award for construction of boundary wall at neli ecc for the year of 2018-19 under assam silk outreach mission for augmentation of muga raw silk under sopd-ods
1238 Construction of Boundary Wall at Bhakatpara Muga Farm and Kahiboma Muga Farm (MSDP)for the year of 2018-19 under Assam Silk Outreach Mission for Augmentation of Muga Raw Silk under SOPD-ODS
1239 Conversionof existing Diesel operated PWSS to Solar operated system
TRN : 593399 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 59.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for conversionof existing diesel operated pwss to solar operated system
1240 MW (Cons) SR to Sri Suryapahar ruins, goalpara, Assam (2018-19)
TRN : 586598 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 23.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Archaeological Survey Of India
Tender award for mw (cons) sr to sri suryapahar ruins, goalpara, assam (2018-19)

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