You have searched for guwahati-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1441 Verification of IPS Anomaly and Repair of IPS defects at 8 inch Dia Guwahati Siliguri Pipeline under Group B
TRN : 543625 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 22.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for verification of ips anomaly and repair of ips defects at 8 inch dia guwahati siliguri pipeline under group b
1442 Verification of IPS Anomaly and Repair of IPS defects at 8 inch Dia Guwahati Siliguri Pipeline under Group A
TRN : 543626 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 20.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for verification of ips anomaly and repair of ips defects at 8 inch dia guwahati siliguri pipeline under group a
1443 Procurement of MOTOR Name of Work: Procurement of MOTOR Name of Work: Procurement of MOTOR Name of Work: Procurement of MOTOR
TRN : 543633 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 6.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of motor name of work: procurement of motor name of work: procurement of motor name of work: procurement of motor
1444 Construction of Library and Documentation Centre cum office of Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti, Assam under Untied Fund (State Specific Scheme) for the year 2017-18
1445 Repairing of Access Control System through OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) on single tender basis at GSPL-Madarihat
TRN : 542873 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 4.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repairing of access control system through oem (original equipment manufacturer) on single tender basis at gspl-madarihat
1446 Baseline Survey of eight number of villages for carrying out CSR activities adjacent to GSPL ROW in the state of West Bengal
TRN : 542874 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for baseline survey of eight number of villages for carrying out csr activities adjacent to gspl row in the state of west bengal
1447 Baseline Survey of eight number of villages for carryingout CSR activities adjacent to GSPL ROW in the state of Assam
TRN : 542875 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for baseline survey of eight number of villages for carryingout csr activities adjacent to gspl row in the state of assam
1448 Replacement of existing conventional lighting system by LED lighting system at GSPL Guwahati Pump Station
TRN : 542876 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 3.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for replacement of existing conventional lighting system by led lighting system at gspl guwahati pump station
1449 Supply and installation of LED lighting system at GSPL Madarihat Station
TRN : 542877 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 2.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply and installation of led lighting system at gspl madarihat station
1450 Upgradation and modernization of ethnographic Museum of the office of the Directorate of Assam Institute of Research for Tribals and Scheduled Castes (AIRT&SC), Assam

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