You have searched for guwahati-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

511 Providing housekeeping and handling services at Guwahati AFS
TRN : 738424 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 10.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing housekeeping and handling services at guwahati afs
512 Reconstruction of breached embankment at Punia Package 2 RETENDER
TRN : 739231 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 6.33 Crore | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for reconstruction of breached embankment at punia package 2 retender
513 Construction of retirement embankment in the breach portion and improvement of Borghuli Ring bund including anti erosion measures Package 7 RETENDER
514 Re - construction of breached DRDA bund Ch. 1325 m to 1400 m including improvement and realignment at places of Noanadi L/B embankment from Mojachubuti to Bezpara.
515 Construction of road from Lengerachapori Road to Hanhchora including CD works and routine maintenance for 5 years
TRN : 739529 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 8.28 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of road from lengerachapori road to hanhchora including cd works and routine maintenance for 5 years
516 Supply, Installation Maintenance of LED based Sola rLightning
TRN : 738835 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.37 Crore | Agency Name : Assam Power Distribution Company Limited
Tender award for supply, installation maintenance of led based sola rlightning
517 Construction of road from Ragdia to Rangagora grant via missimiati Ali and NH-37 including CD works and routine maintenance for 5 years
518 Construction of road from Balichapori Ali to Kamalamiri Ali via Nakkati Chapori Alincluding CD works and routine maintenance for 5 years
519 Providing Accomodation of Delegates for Swachh Mahotsav 2019
TRN : 737495 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.00 Crore | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing accomodation of delegates for swachh mahotsav 2019
520 Supply of matrix Block at Guwahati Refinery
TRN : 738440 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 2.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of matrix block at guwahati refinery

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