836PR under Annual Renewal Programme (ARP) for 2019-20 from km 140/000 to 146/000 on NH-37 in the State of Assam on EPC mode under Guwahati NH Division.Job. TA/037/AS/2019-20/248
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
5.31 Crore |Agency Name :
Ministry Of Road Trasnsport And Highways
837PR under Annual Renewal Programme (ARP) for 2019-20 from km 140/000 to 146/000 on NH-37 in the State of Assam on EPC mode under NH Division.Job. TA/037/AS/2019-20/248
Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value :
5.31 Crore |Agency Name :
Ministry Of Road Trasnsport And Highways