You have searched for hazaribagh-jharkhand- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 Complete rewinding and repairing of 315 KVA, 3.3KV/550V,Make GEC, Sl.No. B22526, FLP transunit of Jharkhand OCP/Laiyo UGP under Hazaribagh Area.
102 Complete Rewinding and repairing of 125KW, 3.3KV, HT motor , Make Marathon Electric, local Sl. No.F33052673 of Tapin North Project under Hazaribagh Area.
103 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of CCTV Surveillance with IP Camera and NVR at Chainpur Siding Of Kedla Washery Project
104 Procurement of Fluid Type n Size CDR-584 with FCF-13 with finished bore n keyway for Elecon make Feeder Breaker at Potanga under Urimari Project of Barka-Sayal Area
105 Making of chemical earth pits with proper earthing and arrangement of water in earth pits of different circuits at sub station of Kedla Underground Project under Hazaribagh Area.
106 Making of chemical earth pits with proper earthing and arrangement of water in earth pits of different circuits at sub station of Kedla Underground Project under Hazaribagh Area.
107 Repairing of 5CHR,1000 GPM , Make Kirloskar, 150 mtr head pump installed at Jharkhand OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
TRN : 808237 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 3.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of 5chr,1000 gpm , make kirloskar, 150 mtr head pump installed at jharkhand ocp under hazaribagh area.
108 Erection of 220V phase to phase 2 wire overhead line to provide proper illumination of Haul Road behind 02 no.s weighbridges to O.B dump of Jharkhand OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
109 Repair and maintenance of primary crusher roll by changing of picks and picks holder 75 Sets of Westfalia make feeder breaker installed at Jharkhand OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
110 Repair and maintenance of 02 no.s 10 MVA power transformers with Buchholz relay alarm bells system at Central Substation, Basantpur under GM Unit, Hazaribagh Area.

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