You have searched for hazaribagh-jharkhand- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

131 Upgradation, maintenance and installation of completing VCB unit motorized type existing 04 nos working 3.3KV electroteknica make VCB with remote control at 2X3 MVA main substation of Parej East OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
132 Maintenance and repairing of different field switches and substation switches of Kedla OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
TRN : 774571 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for maintenance and repairing of different field switches and substation switches of kedla ocp under hazaribagh area.
133 Complete repairing maintenance of different VCBs and OCBs at substation of Kedla UG Project, Hazaribagh Area.
TRN : 774581 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 4.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for complete repairing maintenance of different vcbs and ocbs at substation of kedla ug project, hazaribagh area.
134 Complete repairing and reconditioning of 2 Nos capacitor banks having capacity 3000KVA each, installed at 11KV main sub-station under JOCP, Hazaribagh Area.
135 Repairing/Maintenance and reconditioning of ventilation fan PV-200 at mine no-01 of Kedla U/G under Hazaribagh Area.
TRN : 774583 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 4.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing/maintenance and reconditioning of ventilation fan pv-200 at mine no-01 of kedla u/g under hazaribagh area.
136 Repairing, rectification and full overhauling with spares of 1000GPM, 150m head, two stage sl. No- not available , model DME 8/8 wilo mather and platt make pump assembly of Tapin OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
137 Repair/Maintenance of LT line of GM Colony under GM Unit of Hazaribagh Area.
TRN : 773935 |  Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 8.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair/maintenance of lt line of gm colony under gm unit of hazaribagh area.
138 Maintenance of O/H line of 11KV grade carrying the power from Parej substation to site substation, cardling at required places, making proper earthing arrangement and reducing the conductor sagging at Tapin North OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
139 Repairing and reconditioning of Electroteknica make 3.3KV Sl no- 7012 and Sl no- 7013 VCB (capacitor bank switch) (outdoor type) of Kedla OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
140 Repairing and reconditioning of two no 3.3KV, 630A Transgietz make VCB switch, Sl no TE/416 and TE/419 at JOCP under Hazaribagh Area.

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