You have searched for kapurthala-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

51 Outsourcing services of water supply installations, sewage installations and DG set installation at Old Mil Stn Kapurthala and Complaint Cell at New Mil Stn Kapurthala and MAND under GE Kapurthala
TRN : 841805 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 8.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provision of rev works and arboriculture works for children school at mil stn kapurthala under ge kapurthala
53 Providing Street Lighting Yard Lighting Area in APF Parking Area NGM Begowal, Providing Tower Lighting System in Sub Yard Damuliya Providing Additional Tower Lighting System in Sub Yard Bariar Market Committee Bhulath Distt. Kapurthla
54 Outsourcing services for fire fighting installation, DG Set installation at Suranussi under GE Kapurthala
TRN : 838140 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 22.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for outsourcing services for fire fighting installation, dg set installation at suranussi under ge kapurthala
55 Outsourcing services for water supply installation and electrical installation at Suranussiunder GE Kapurthala
TRN : 838141 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 19.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for outsourcing services for water supply installation and electrical installation at suranussiunder ge kapurthala
56 Outsourcing services for manning and operation of Central Air Conditioning installations at Suranussi under GE Kapurthala
TRN : 838144 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 25.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for outsourcing services for manning and operation of central air conditioning installations at suranussi under ge kapurthala
57 Outsourcing of 11KV receiving station E/M Installation, Repair and maint and load testing of EOT Crane and testing earthing at Mil Stn Beas and Jandiala Guru under GE Kapurthala
58 Contract for artificer works at New Mil Stn Kapurthala under GE Kapurthala
TRN : 838174 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for contract for artificer works at new mil stn kapurthala under ge kapurthala
59 Contract for artificer works at Old Mil Stn Kapurthala under GE Kapurthala
TRN : 838175 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for contract for artificer works at old mil stn kapurthala under ge kapurthala
60 Repair/ Replacement / Maintenance of External Electrical LT Distribution network and repair /replacement servicing of AC installation, summer and winter appliances, testing and repairing of cranes, testing of earthing and allied works at Mil Stn Sura

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