You have searched for keonjhar-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

111 Special Repair to Ghatagaon to Chinamaliposi Road from 1/157km to 1/617 km for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 773038 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to ghatagaon to chinamaliposi road from 1/157km to 1/617 km for the year 2019-20.
112 Special Repair to Kendeiposi to Rajangar road from ch.8/450 km to 10/000 km in the district of Keonjhar for the year 2019-2020.
TRN : 773039 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 30.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for special repair to kendeiposi to rajangar road from ch.8/450 km to 10/000 km in the district of keonjhar for the year 2019-2020.
113 Machaghara High School at Machhagarh
TRN : 773040 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for machaghara high school at machhagarh
114 Centre Building at Danua Tangarpada in Saharpada Block for 2019-20.
TRN : 773041 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for centre building at danua tangarpada in saharpada block for 2019-20.
115 CDR to Droupadi High School at Barbil for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 773042 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for cdr to droupadi high school at barbil for the year 2019-20.
116 C.D.R to Gopiballabhapur to Rasabantala Road such as repair from 0/00km to 6/00 km in the district of Keonjhar for the year 2019-2020.
TRN : 773043 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for c.d.r to gopiballabhapur to rasabantala road such as repair from 0/00km to 6/00 km in the district of keonjhar for the year 2019-2020.
117 C.D.R to Palaspanga to Parjanpur road from ch-1.690km to 1.977km for the year 2019-2020.
TRN : 773044 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for c.d.r to palaspanga to parjanpur road from ch-1.690km to 1.977km for the year 2019-2020.
118 C.D.R to Padampur to Nuagaon road from ch-1.900km to 2.488km for the year 2019-2020.
TRN : 773045 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 7.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for c.d.r to padampur to nuagaon road from ch-1.900km to 2.488km for the year 2019-2020.
119 C.D.R to Katrabeda to Bholabeda Road from 0/500 km to 2/00 km for the year 2019-2020.
TRN : 773046 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for c.d.r to katrabeda to bholabeda road from 0/500 km to 2/00 km for the year 2019-2020.
120 C.D.R to Ghatagaon to Chinamaliposi Road from 0/0km to 3/00 km for the year 2019-2020.
TRN : 773047 |  Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for c.d.r to ghatagaon to chinamaliposi road from 0/0km to 3/00 km for the year 2019-2020.

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