You have searched for keonjhar-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
181M/R to Telkoi - Bimala - Petraghati - Raisuan - Kaliahata Road (such as maintenance and pothole repair from 0/00 to 5/00 Km., 10/00 Km. to 18/700 Km. and 21/00 Km. to 44/485 Km.) for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
19.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
183Maintenance and pothole repair of Satakutunia - Baunsuli Road from 8/500 Km. to 12/00 Km. and white washing to trees and culvert parapets etc. From 0/00 Km. to 27/00 Km. under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) for the year 2019-20.
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
10.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
185Repair to D.N. High School (Such as flooring, painting of Ground floor and first floor of RHS Block, Paver Block, Compound wall) as Keonjhar for the year 2019-20.
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
20.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
186Construction of approach road to 100 seated Medical College and Teaching Hospital at Keonjhar (Such as construction of Compound Wall left side of approach road) for the year 2019-20 under DMF.
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
25.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
187Construction of Cement Concrete Road from 3/900 Km. to 4/800 Km. of Joda - Bamebari Road (Exp-II) for a length of 150 mtr. for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
21.76 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
188Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commission of 1 No. 16 Passenger and 1 No. 10 Passenger (Car Cabin) lift at 50 Bedded MCH building, DHH Campus, Keonjhar for the year 2019-20(under NRHM).
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
42.09 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
189Special Repair to Kushakala -Singhpur- Bonai-Border Road such as retaining wall from ch. 6/800 to 6/900Km.,7/300 to 7/400Km.,7/500 to 7/600Km.,8/000 to 8/100Km.,13/400 to 13/500Km. and 13/700 to 13/800Km.)for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan(AMP).
Keonjhar - Orissa
Contract Value :
22.65 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department