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171 M/R to Udayapur - Saharpada Road such as maintenance from 0/00 Km. to 15/242 Km. for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
172 M/R to Nudurpada - Kaliahata Road such as maintenance from 32/00 Km. to 40/00 Km. for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
173 Construction of External Road from NH-20 to Main Gate of North Orissa University 2nd Campus at Suleikhamar, Keonjhar for the year 2019-20.
174 Repair to Kushakala - Singhpur - Bonai - Border Road (such as maintenance and pothole repair from 0/00 Km. to 14/769 Km.) for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP)
175 Repair to Raisuan - Mahadeijoda - Kusumita Road from 0/00 Km. to 13/389 Km. such as maintenance and pothole repair under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) for the year 2019-20.
176 Maintenance and pothole repair of Kanjiasula - Turumunga road from 12/200 Km. to 15/500 Km. and white washing to trees and culvert parapet etc. from 0/00 to 28/269 Km. under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) for the year 2019-20.
177 Improvement of Power supply system and installation of A.C. Machine in 1. ADJ Court, 2. SDJM Court, 3. JMFC Court and 4. Civil Judge Court (Sr. Division) at Champua for the year 2019-20.
178 Maintenance and Pothole repair of Champua - Chamakpur Road from 12/700 Km. to 16/00 Km. and white washing to trees and culvert parapet from ch. 0/00 Km. to 16/456 Km. for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
179 Special Repair to Bonai Border -Barbil Nalda Road such as construction of C.C. Road from 310.727 to 309.737 Km. , 310.009 to 310.148 Km. and 311.00 to 311.010 Km. for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).
180 M/R to Telkoi - Bimala - Petraghati - Raisuan - Kaliahata Road (such as maintenance from 5/00 to 10/00 Km.) for the year 2019-20 under Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP).

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