You have searched for kullu-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Tender for Providing 33 KV HT Double Circuit Line to proposed 33/11 kV 2x1.6 MVA Unmanned Sub Station at Bhutti Lugvalley under ESD No II HPSEBL Kullu on Turnkey Basis
2 Tender for Providing SOP to Girls Hostel of Govt Polytechnic Kullu Seobag in E Section Seobag under ESD NoII HPSEBL Kullu on Turnkey Basis
TRN : 861271 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
Tender award for tender for providing sop to girls hostel of govt polytechnic kullu seobag in e section seobag under esd noii hpsebl kullu on turnkey basis
3 Tender for Providing SOP to LWSS Stage I II III from Beas River to 16 Tanki Shaladhar in Phatti Kharahal under ESD No II HPSEBL Kullu on Turnkey Basis
TRN : 861272 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 38.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
Tender award for tender for providing sop to lwss stage i ii iii from beas river to 16 tanki shaladhar in phatti kharahal under esd no ii hpsebl kullu on turnkey basis
4 Tender for shifting of existing 33 KV Prini Palchan feeder under construction Bridge at Nehrukund under ESD No II HPSEBL Manali on Turnkey Basis
TRN : 861273 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
Tender award for tender for shifting of existing 33 kv prini palchan feeder under construction bridge at nehrukund under esd no ii hpsebl manali on turnkey basis
5 Supply of tractor PTO operated heavy duty shrub cutter grass cutting machine at Kullu Manali Airport
TRN : 861603 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for supply of tractor pto operated heavy duty shrub cutter grass cutting machine at kullu manali airport
6 Hiring of vehicle at Kullu Manali Airport
TRN : 861610 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 16.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for hiring of vehicle at kullu manali airport
7 Annual comprehensive maintenance contract of window / split AC units and water coolers at Kullu Manali Airport, Bhuntar for 2021-23)
TRN : 861613 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for annual comprehensive maintenance contract of window / split ac units and water coolers at kullu manali airport, bhuntar for 2021-23)
8 Construction of Storm Water Drain-Zone 7.2 under AMRUT
TRN : 792770 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 25.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of storm water drain-zone 7.2 under amrut
9 Development of Street Infrastructure ( Mall Road-Electrical work)
TRN : 792771 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 15.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for development of street infrastructure ( mall road-electrical work)
TRN : 792772 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of ramshila parking ( electrical part)

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