You have searched for kullu-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

81 AR and MO Sewerage Scheme Kullu Town SH O and M of 2.50 MLD STP at Bhutnath and 15.140 Km Sewer net work of Zone I for two years 2013.14 to 2014.15 Repair and maintenance of complete sewer net work manholes flushing tanks and STP 2.50 MLD
82 AR and MO Sewerage Scheme Manali Town SH Repair and Maintenance of complete sewer net work manholes flushing tanks and STP 1.82 MLD capacity for two years 2013.14 to 2014.15.
83 CO FIS Tikkri Thans in Nirmand Block, Distt. Kullu H.P SH C.O. Head
TRN : 659640 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.64 Crore | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for co fis tikkri thans in nirmand block, distt. kullu h.p sh c.o. head
84 Providing Sewerage Scheme Kullu Town Connectivity of House connection beyond 6 mtr in Zone II SH Laying and jointing D I Pipe, C O RCC Circular man hole from Node RD 985 to 1189 end point Shastri Nagar, Session House etc Job No. VI
85 Providing Sewerage Scheme Kullu Town Connectivity of House connection beyond 6 mtr in Zone II SH Laying and jointing D I Pipe, C O RCC Circular man hole from Node RD 600 to 842 end point Bala Behar, Main Behar, Devdhar etc Job No. IV
86 CO Distribution system for LIS Kharahal in Tehsil District Kullu(SH Laying and Jointing of RCC pipe in main channel C O main channel, C o main outlet/ sub outlet and C o Toe wall under CC main channel including carriage earth work complete of all
87 Providing Sewerage Scheme Kullu Town Connectivity of House connection beyond 6 mtr in Zone II SH Laying and jointing D I Pipe, C O RCC Circular man hole from Node RD 1197 to 1508 end point Gandhi Nagar, Tegubehar Deodhar Job No. VII
88 Providing Sewerage Scheme Kullu Town Connectivity of House Connection beyond 6 mtr in Zone-I SH Laying and jointing D. I. Pipe C. I. Pipe C O Man Hole Cover Deep Square Job II
89 Providing Sewerage Scheme Kullu Town Connectivity of House Connection beyond 6 mtr in Zone 1 SH Laying and jointing D. I. Pipe C. I. Pipe, C O Man Hole Cover Deep
90 Augmentation of WSS Lari Manari Devdhar in Tehsil and District Kullu SH P.L and Jointing of Rising main MSERW pipe and C.O Anchor Block for rising main at various RDs Phase.I and Phase.II

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