You have searched for mansa-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Reconst. of Refinery Minor RD 0-38500 by Concrete Lining M.15 Concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant carried to site of work in transit mixers, laid manually with specified thickness, Slice RD 0-6000
92 Improvement of Rural Water supply scheme for Makha
TRN : 666466 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for improvement of rural water supply scheme for makha
93 Improvement of Rural water suplly scheme for village Chehlanwali
TRN : 666468 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 27.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for improvement of rural water suplly scheme for village chehlanwali
94 Improvement of Rural WSS for village Khara
TRN : 663305 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for improvement of rural wss for village khara
95 Improvement of Rural WSS for village Khiala Kalan
TRN : 663308 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 22.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for improvement of rural wss for village khiala kalan
96 Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, jala and sarkanda, slush, obstructions from the bed of Bahadur Singh Wala Drain in between RD 0-61093 before the flood season of 2019 to save nearby abadies.
97 Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, jala and Sarkanda, slush, obstructions from the bed of Sirhind Choe in between RD 124500-161015 before the flood season of 2019 to save nearby abadies.
98 Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed,jalla and Sarkanda, slush, obstructions from the bed of Sirhind Choe in between RD 19580-124500 before the flood season of 2019 to save nearby Abadies
99 Transportation tender
TRN : 650710 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Food And Civil Supply Control Office
Tender award for transportation tender
100 PEG Labour Work
TRN : 626159 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 117 | Agency Name : Food And Supplies Department
Tender award for peg labour work

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