You have searched for mansa-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

131 Group 4
TRN : 584752 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.16 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for group 4
132 Group 3
TRN : 584754 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.98 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for group 3
133 Group 2
TRN : 584756 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 78.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for group 2
134 Providing and Laying LED Lights in the Park
TRN : 584819 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 11.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for providing and laying led lights in the park
135 Providing and Fixing Sprinkler System in the water works
TRN : 584820 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 8.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for providing and fixing sprinkler system in the water works
136 Providing and Fixing 2 Nos LED High mast Lights in the water works
TRN : 584822 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 11.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for providing and fixing 2 nos led high mast lights in the water works
137 Laying of RCC pipeline
TRN : 662286 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 41.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for laying of rcc pipeline
138 Construction of Group-1
TRN : 604212 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.83 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of group-1
139 Laying of RCC pipeline
TRN : 662288 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 40.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for laying of rcc pipeline
140 Construction of Grou-2
TRN : 604213 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.50 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of grou-2

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