You have searched for mansa-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 DNIT for Supplying ,laying ,jointing ,cutting, testing of D.I. K7 Pipe S and S 600 mm id from STP to drain and construction of hatch boxes, sluice valve chambers and all other works contingent thereto at Budhlada Distt.
22 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc manually from inner section of lined channel of Dhudal Branch RD 0 to 26415 Medium Growth
23 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Maur Branch RD 0-63500 (Medium Growth)
24 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Maur Branch RD 0-63500 (Medium Growth)
25 internal clearance of weed jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti , silt etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Minor No. 1 RD 0-29000, Minor No. 2 RD 0-14000 and Minor No. 3 RD 0-13535 of Pucca Disty. (Medium Growth)
26 internal clearance of weed jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle,butti , silt etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Khaira minor, Rajrana minor and Jhanda minor RD 0- tail (Medium Growth)
27 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Minor No. 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Boha Disty RD 0-tail (Medium Growth)
28 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela,sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Bhai Bakhtaur Branch RD 0-28600 (Medium Growth)
29 Various Seasonal arragnements for Rabi & Kharif season 2020-21 of Principal Yard & Various Seasonal Yards/Sub Yards under the notified area of Market Committee BUDHLADA Ditt. Mansa
30 Various Jhar Phoos for Rabi and Kharif season 2020-21 of Principal Yard & Various Seasonal Yards/Sub Yards under the notified area of Market Committee Budhlada Ditt. Mansa (01-04-2020 tp 31-03-2021)

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