32Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, Jala,Sarkanda,slush , obstructions from the bed of Sahoke Drain in between R.D. 0-27000 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies.
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
7.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
33Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, Jala,Sarkanda,slush, obstructions from the bed of Bareta Drain in between R.D. 28730-103300 and from the (bed and side slope )of Mander Link Drain in between R.D. 0-25000 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies.
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
29.94 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
34Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, Jala,Sarkanda,slush , obstructions from the bed of Bahadur Singh Wala Drain in between R.D. 0- 61093 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies.
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
28.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
37internal clearance of weed jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle,butti , silt etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Jatana minor Rd 0- 9500 (Mediium Growth)
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
32.9 Thousand |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
38internal clearance of weed jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle,butti , silt etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Mirzeana minor and Mirzeana sub minor Rd 0- tail (Mediium Growth)
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.03 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
39Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of BD Link RD 0-18195 and Boha Disty RD 0-20200 (Medium Growth)
Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value :
2.75 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department