You have searched for mansa-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Supply of Skilled and un-skilled labour through outsource from Contractor
TRN : 844170 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for supply of skilled and un-skilled labour through outsource from contractor
32 Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, Jala,Sarkanda,slush , obstructions from the bed of Sahoke Drain in between R.D. 0-27000 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies.
33 Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, Jala,Sarkanda,slush, obstructions from the bed of Bareta Drain in between R.D. 28730-103300 and from the (bed and side slope )of Mander Link Drain in between R.D. 0-25000 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies.
34 Estimate for Clearance of booty, weed, Jala,Sarkanda,slush , obstructions from the bed of Bahadur Singh Wala Drain in between R.D. 0- 61093 before the flood season of 2020 to save nearby Abadies.
35 Resectioning of KhiwaShehzadasingh link drain in between R.D 0-24500. "
TRN : 837670 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 89.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for resectioning of khiwashehzadasingh link drain in between r.d 0-24500. "
36 Special Lining down stream head regulator of Uddat Branch and Mussa Branch at RD 78540 (Tail) of Bhikhi Disty.
TRN : 836164 |  Mansa - Punjab
Contract Value : 15.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for special lining down stream head regulator of uddat branch and mussa branch at rd 78540 (tail) of bhikhi disty.
37 internal clearance of weed jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle,butti , silt etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Jatana minor Rd 0- 9500 (Mediium Growth)
38 internal clearance of weed jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle,butti , silt etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Mirzeana minor and Mirzeana sub minor Rd 0- tail (Mediium Growth)
39 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of BD Link RD 0-18195 and Boha Disty RD 0-20200 (Medium Growth)
40 Internal Clearance of Weed, Jalla, deela, sarkanda, jungle, butti, dhora, silts etc. manually from inner section of lined channel of Bhikhi Disty. RD 20500-35910 (Heavy Growth)

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