You have searched for mohali-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Clearing weed (carpet grass, elephant grass), booty (water hyacinths), sarkanda(tripidium bengalense), silt, and obstruction etc from First Diversion (connecting PKR to JDKR ) in between RD 0-6800 and 0-2200 near village Togan, Maloya , tera, Champur
2 Estimate for Construction Revetment on L/S of Siswan Nadi to Save the Abadies and c/land of village Swamipur Tapprian.
TRN : 863653 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for estimate for construction revetment on l/s of siswan nadi to save the abadies and c/land of village swamipur tapprian.
3 Estimate for Construction Revetment on L/S of Tandi creek to Save the School and c/land of village Tandi.
TRN : 863654 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for estimate for construction revetment on l/s of tandi creek to save the school and c/land of village tandi.
4 Clearing weed (carpet grass, elephant grass), booty (water hyacinths), sarkanda(tripidium bengalense), silt, and obstruction etc from PKR Nadi in between RD 22630--53000 near village Togan, Machli, Chur Majra, Suhada, Kelon, Landran, Chapper Chirri
5 R/C estimate for construction of street near VIP enclave VIP road ,MC Zirakpur
TRN : 863687 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for r/c estimate for construction of street near vip enclave vip road ,mc zirakpur
6 R/C for construction of street near Sadhu ram house ward no.19,MC Zirakpur
TRN : 863688 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for r/c for construction of street near sadhu ram house ward no.19,mc zirakpur
7 R/C estimate for construction of street in Dashmesh Colony near Guru nanak Atta chakki ward no.16,MC Zirakpur
8 Repair and relaying I T different street at Balmik Basti W.No.02
TRN : 863690 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for repair and relaying i t different street at balmik basti
9 Repair and Relaying Tiles in different Streets in ward no 7
TRN : 863691 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for repair and relaying tiles in different streets in ward no 7
10 Construction of street near Ranjit Singh House in Ward no. 3
TRN : 863692 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of street near ranjit singh house in ward no. 3

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