You have searched for mohali-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 P/F I/L Paver tiles on Road Samrala Road to Markfed Road MC Machhiwara
TRN : 863704 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 23.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for p/f i/l paver tiles on road samrala road to markfed road mc machhiwara
12 Construction of boundary wall Community Centers on Ropar Road
TRN : 863708 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for construction of boundary wall community centers on ropar road
13 Providing permanent protection work for foundation of tower No.33 of N.F.S. Ckt.No.III- 66KV from Bhakra to PSPCL left bank at Bhakra.
14 Const. of shed for machine at C and D Waste site Sec-65A SAS Nagar.
TRN : 861358 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 18.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for const. of shed for machine at c and d waste site sec-65a sas nagar.
15 R/C Estimate for repair of kerbs, channels, paver blocks and other civil works in ward no.46 MC SAS Nagar.z
TRN : 861359 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 19.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for r/c estimate for repair of kerbs, channels, paver blocks and other civil works in ward no.46 mc sas nagar.z
16 R/C estimate for O and M of Sewer Suction cum Jetting Machine for 1 year
TRN : 861360 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 7.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for r/c estimate for o and m of sewer suction cum jetting machine for 1 year
17 R/C Estimate for cont. installation and commissioning including one year operation and maintenance of ETP (Effluent treatment plant) capacity 25 KLD processing of waste water treatment for existing gaushala at MC Store.
18 P/L of red stone/ fixing grills and repair of kerb channel and paver block on B-road Ph-3B2.
TRN : 861362 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/l of red stone/ fixing grills and repair of kerb channel and paver block on b-road ph-3b2.
19 Providing Laying of patch work in Sec-77,78 Zone-4
TRN : 861363 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 24.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing laying of patch work in sec-77,78 zone-4
20 Providing Laying of patch work in Sec-80 Zone-4
TRN : 861364 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 40.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for providing laying of patch work in sec-80 zone-4

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