You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

191 Construction of Siting Bench near ICDS Centre at Baliura under 14th CFC-2019-20
TRN : 738109 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 60.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of siting bench near icds centre at baliura under 14th cfc-2019-20
192 Reconstruction of Concrete road from Pucca rasta near the house of Siraj Moulana to the house of Rasul Sekh at Taranipur under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)
193 Salballi Pilling from the house of Faruk Molla to the house of Anjura Bibi at Taranipur (2019-20)
TRN : 738111 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for salballi pilling from the house of faruk molla to the house of anjura bibi at taranipur (2019-20)
194 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Nijamuddin Sekh to the house of Sabera Bibi at Taranipur under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC(2019-20)
195 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Basudeb Mondal to the house of Balai Mandal at Putimari under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)
196 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Babu Sekh to the house of Matilal Sekh at Putimari under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)
197 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the Pond of Kaltu Mandal to Kabarsthan at Putimari under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20))
198 Reconstruction of Concrete road from near the house of Mithu Mandal(Master) to Gov. Pacca rasta at Bhitarpara under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)
199 Re-construction of Concrete road from Govt. Pacca Rasta to the house of Mainul Mallick at Bhitarpara under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th F.C. (2019-20)
200 Reconstruction of Concrete road from the house of Anowar uddin Molla( Dhulu Molla) to the Govt. Pacca Rasta at Bhitarpara under Patharghata-II G.P. under 14th FC (2019-20)

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