You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

511 Improvement of road from the house of Prosenjit Roy towards Muragachha Deep Tube Well within Birohi II GP under Haringhata Block in the district of Nadia
512 Improvement of road from Ballavpur Katakhal Aswastha Gach towards Ballavpur Primary School within Arbandi GP under Santipur Block in the district of Nadia.
513 Improvement of road from Teghori Dakshinpara towards Teghori North Arbandi road within Babla GP under Santipur Block in the district of Nadia
514 Improvement of road from the house of Sanjit Sarkar towards Sarappur Kalimandir within Rautari GP under Chakdaha Block in the district of Nadia.
515 Supplying, Fitting and Fixing of Retro-Reflectorised Sign Board on different roads under Plassey Highway Sub Division of Nadia Highway Division No.- I
516 Supplying, Fitting and Fixing of Retro-Reflectorised Sign Board on different roads under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.-II of Nadia Highway Division No.- I
517 Supplying, Fitting And Fixing Of Retro Reflectorised Sign Board On Different Roads Under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.-I Of Nadia Highway Division No.- I In
518 Chittashali Bridge at 7.08 km and Gopalpur Bridge at 10.30 km of Badkulla - Kulgachi Road via Chittashali, Rehabilitation and Restoration work under Krishnagar Hwy. Sub-Divn No-II of Nadia Highway Division No.- I
519 Swarnakhali Bridge at 4.35 km and Khalboalia Bridge at 9.40 km of Krishnaganj - Gobindapur Road, Rehabilitation and Restoration work
520 Construction of masonry Field Channel at Gayesh-II Major R.L.I Scheme under Hanskhali (A-M) Sub-Division under Core Sector Programme.

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