You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

561 Purchase and Installation of Equipment of Physics Lab
TRN : 621488 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 65.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Education
Tender award for purchase and installation of equipment of physics lab
562 Procurement of quality control equipments for laboratory and field tests (Soil & Concrete Testing Apparatus with two years on site extended warranty) for the under mentioned 3 Quality Control units of Irrigation & waterways department during the year 2017-18 and imparting training to the departmental staff. 1. Campus of River Research Instiute at Galsi, Dist-Burdwan; 2. Coochbehar Irrigation Division at Mouza-Chatt, Guriahati, Coochbehar town, Dist- Coochbehar; 3. New Building at Block-FF, Sector-III, Salt Lake under Metropolitan Drainage Division-I.”"
563 Land Development, Construction of Island and beautification work in front of Inspection Bungalow and other ancillary works at RRI campus HCL, Mohanpur
564 Retaining wall for New Road from Main Gate to Suborno Joyntee Gate at River Research Institute, Haringhata Central Laboratory, Mohanpur
565 Schedule for different infrastructural works (related with both construction work, hire charges of different kind of pandel and temporary arrangement of sanitary & plumbing work etc.) at Kalyani Mahavidyalaya, Kalyani, Nadia, Commissioning Hall, DC/RC, Strong Room etc.for incoming Parliamentary Election - 2019 - B) Electrical Works
566 Sale with disposal including Stump uprooting of 51 (fifty one) nos different categories trees located on both side of Bablari Bus Stand to Madhaipur with link Ramchandrapur Road from 0.00 kmp to 1.91 km of Nadia Highway Division No. I, P.W.(Roads) Directorate during the year 2018-19.
567 Construction of Road by Cement ConcreteWork in Different Slums. Total one Slum (1.Bhadra Para, Rail Colony) Within Ward No. :-23, Under Nabadwip Municipality, Nabadwip, Nadia.
568 Construction of Road by Cement ConcreteWork in Different Slums. Total Nine Slums (1.Gouranga Colony 1 & 2 2. Mani Pur Colony 3. Hari Tala By Lane Area 4. Manipur Ghat Area 5. Netaji Nagar Colony 6. PAC Colony 7. Chittaranjan Colony 8. Kargil Colony 9. Chaitanya Pally) Within Ward No. :-19, Under Nabadwip Municipality, Nabadwip, Nadia.
569 Construction of Road by Cement ConcreteWork in Different Slums. Total Nine Slums (1.Gouranga Colony 1 & 2 2. Mani Pur Colony 3. Hari Tala By Lane Area 4. Manipur Ghat Area 5. Netaji Nagar Colony 6. PAC Colony 7. Chittaranjan Colony 8. Kargil Colony 9. Chaitanya Pally) Within Ward No. :-19, Under Nabadwip Municipality, Nabadwip, Nadia.
570 Construction of Road by Cement ConcreteWork in Different Slums. Total Five Slums (1. Ramkrishna Colony 2. Vivekananda Colony 3. ful Bagan 4. Boses Road 5. Dewarapara Bye Lane) Within Ward No. :-18, Under Nabadwip Municipality, Nabadwip, Nadia.

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