You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

771 Additional Class Room at Manik Nagar Pry School at Manik Nagar under Gayeshpur Gram Panchayat under Santipur Development Block. Head- Minority
772 Additional Class Room at Manik Nagar Pry School at Manik Nagar under Gayeshpur Gram Panchayat under Santipur Development Block. Head- Minority
773 Piling work Nityanandapur to Gourisail Bazar via Humniapota under Ranaghat II Block in the District of Nadia. 2nd call
774 Repair and maintenance of Black Top road connecting Kasuria village with Payradanga Station road near Bharat Sevasram Sangha within Baidyapur GP under Ranaghat II block in the District of Nadia.
775 Construction of Boundary wall at Head Work site of Bablari Dewanganj Water Supply Scheme under Krishnagar Sub-Division PHE Dte. (PART-B) Construction of Boundary wall at Head Work site, Pump House No.2, at Dignagar Water Supply Scheme under Krishnagar Sub-Division PHE Dte.
776 (PART-A) Construction of Boundary wall around Pump House No.1, at Itla W/S Scheme, under Krishnagar Sub-Division PHE Dte. (PART-B) Construction of Boundary wall & Internal Pathway at Pump House No.2, at Itla W/S Scheme, under Krishnagar Sub-Division PHE Dte.
777 Repairing of Blacktop road from the Boalia Aastalala towards Belpukurpara at Boalia under Arbandi-I GP under Santipur Development Block, Head- Handloom
778 Repair of R.C.C Over Head Reservoir at the Head Work Site of Palashipara Water Supply Scheme at Tehatta-II Block under Tehatta Sub-Division, PHE Dte.
779 Improvement of road from Magurkhali PMGSY to the H O Sirajul Islam at Takshali under Khisma G.P. under Ranaghat I Block in the District of Nadia
780 Improvement of road from Land of Basudeb Mondal to the pond of Kalipada Biswas within Tarapur GP under Ranaghat I Block in the District of Nadia

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