You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

871 Construction of Bio-Medical vat at polio within the premises of Dr. B.C.Roy Post Graduate Institute of Paediatric Science(Phoolbagan campus) during the year 2018-19.
872 Improvement of road from H O Tahajuddin Molla towards Bhairav River Sasanghat at Muktadaha In Jamsherpur GP within Karimpur I Block in the District of Nadia.
873 Renovation of Toilets (21 Nos ) of Hostel 1 at Gandhi Bhavan Kalyani , Nadia
TRN : 556694 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 26.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for renovation of toilets (21 nos ) of hostel 1 at gandhi bhavan kalyani , nadia
874 Improvement of road from Palpara H O Gopal Pal towards Rajapur Pry. School via Rajapur Bazar under Hogal beria G.P. within Karimpur I Block in the District of Nadia
875 Improvement of road starting form Panchpota More to Jamuna at Ayeshpur under Birohi I GP within Haringhata Block in the District of Nadia
876 Improvement of road from Betna PMGSY road Nisith Ghosh s house to Durgabari under Hanskhali Block in the district of Nadia
877 Improvement of road from Provatnagar to Hariharnagar within Dakshinpara II GP under Hanskhali Block in the District of Nadia.
878 Electrical Installation E.I. work of S.H.G Marketing Complex at Betai under Tehatta I Block in the district of Nadia.
879 Construction of Concrete Road from h/o Tapan Biswas to h/o Krishnagopal Biswas ( 107) and h/o Nirmal Biswas to h/o Narayan Modak (Dag no, 107 ) and from h/o Swapan Pramanik to Amulya Das ( 86) and from h/o Pradip Biswas to h/o Chita Bisw
880 Construction of Concrete Road from h/o Keshab Chakraborty to h/o Narayan Sarkar (Dag no. 456) and from h/o Sanatan Basak to h/o Swapan Basak, Dag no. 495 and from h/o Kanailal Mahajan to h/o Biren Modak 675 to 1618 and from h/o Nanigopal Mand

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