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TRN : 539240 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 5.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for supply of materials for icds centre
962 Laying of UPVC pipeline,Damaged due to Widening and Strengthening of PMGSY Road at Dogachhi Piped water supply Scheme under Karimpur-II Block,Nadia.
963 Supply of Materials for construction of a Anganwadi Centre at the land of Jalan Mallick at Doluipur, under Rajarampur Ghoraikhetra G.P.
964 Shyamnagar Tehatta Road from 0.00 kmp to 7.47 km. Emergent patch repairing work under Plassey Highway Sub Division under Nadia Highway Division No.- I in the District of Nadia for the year 2018 - 19
965 Plassey Betai Road from 9.00 kmp to 16.00 kmp. Emergent patch repairing work under Plassey Highway Sub Division under Nadia Highway Division No.- I in the District of Nadia for the year 2018 - 19
966 Construction of Metal Beam "W" Crash Barrier at both side approaches of Bridge & Culvert at different roads of Plassey Highway Section under Plassey Highway Sub Division of Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-19 (3rd Call)
967 Construction of Metal Beam "W" Crash Barrier at both side approaches of Bridge & Culvert at different roads of Betai Highway Section under Plassey Highway Sub Division of Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-19 (3rd Call)
968 Construction of Metal Beam "W" Crash Barrier along the edge where bridge without footpath at 1.53 kmp, 2.625 kmp, 3.30 kmp & 6.150 kmp of Gouranga Setu approach Road under Krishnagar Highway Sub Division No.- I in the District of Nadia under Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-2019 (3rd Call)
969 Road marking by Thermoplastic paint (Hot Applied) at SPEED BREAKER zone of different roads under Nadia Highway Division No.- I during the year 2018-19
970 Round the clock Operation Guarding of 1250 KVA 11KV415V Sub Station DG Set Internal External lighting arrangement etc other allied works at Water Treatment Plant under Surface Water Based WS Scheme Northern Sector Part-II Nakashipara Dist Nadia

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