You have searched for panchkula-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

311 Constructing 128 352 376 ft three tier steining for the protection of abadi area of village Belwali from Belwali nadi tributary of river Ghaggar after flood 2019.
312 Constructing 416 ft double tier steining and 3 Nos. crated bed bars (Double tier) for the protection of school and agriculture land of village Badhor from river Tangri after flood 2019.
313 Constructing 6 Nos. crated bed bars (Double tier) for the protection of Agriculture Land of Village Toda from river Tangri after flood 2019.
314 Constructing 400ft (168 136 96) double tier steining for the protection of village abadi and Sarswati Mandir at Balminki Basti ward No. 1 Kalka from river Orian after flood 2019.
315 Constructing 376 ft three tier steining for the protection of Rehod Bundh and agriculture land of village Rehod from river Tangri after flood 2019.
316 Constructing 352ft double tier and 160ft single tier steining for the protection of land from temporary bundhs for diversion of water flow for pumps house Nawa Nagar, khokhran lift Irrigation scheme after flood 2019.
317 Constructing 352ft double tier and 160ft single tier steining for the protection of land from temporary bundhs for diversion of water flow for pumps house Nawa Nagar, khokhran lift Irrigation scheme after flood 2019.
318 Constructing 224 ft double tier steining for the protection of Abadi area of village Manakyan from river Manakyan wali nadi tributary of river Ghaggar after flood 2019.
319 Constructing 416 ft three tier steining for the protection of abadi of village mandlaya from river begna after flood 2019.
TRN : 752211 |  Panchkula - Haryana
Contract Value : 38.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for constructing 416 ft three tier steining for the protection of abadi of village mandlaya from river begna after flood 2019.
320 Constructing 256 ft three tier steining for the protection of village abadi in village Aasrewali from Aasrewali nadi tributary of river Ghaggar after flood 2019.

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