139Benefit assessment for implementation of APC in DHDT, VGO-HDT Unit, NHTU, NFU, CCRU, Alkylation, Butamer and PRU at IOCL Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha
Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value :
4.85 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
140Lining-Up Agency for Unloading and Loading of Catalyst in Make-up Gas Dryer of Butamer Unit (25-DR-001 A/B) and Activated Carbon Unloading and Loading in KTU Mericat Reactor-II (12-V-003) at IOCL Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha.
Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value :
43.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited