You have searched for paradip-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

591 Supply of Emery Paper at IOCL Paradip Refinery
TRN : 532984 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of emery paper at iocl paradip refinery
592 Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Gas Cylinders valid for 2 years at IOCL Paradip Refinery
TRN : 532985 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual rate contract for supply of gas cylinders valid for 2 years at iocl paradip refinery
593 Supply of Oil Seal at IOCL Paradip Refinery
TRN : 532986 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 85.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of oil seal at iocl paradip refinery
594 Construction of 11 K.V Line including 11/0.40 KV single pole mounted SS at SV-1 Near Zero point Paradip
TRN : 531838 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of 11 k.v line including 11/0.40 kv single pole mounted ss at sv-1 near zero point paradip
595 Power supply arrangement at Paradip for PHPL Project from PP Sub Station302N of Refinery to PHPL HT Building
TRN : 530695 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.08 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for power supply arrangement at paradip for phpl project from pp sub station302n of refinery to phpl ht building
596 Carrying out HAZOP study for Pipeline Projects of IOCL
TRN : 530696 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for carrying out hazop study for pipeline projects of iocl
597 Loading, Shifting, Unloading, Stacking of pipe from area behind switchyard to stackyard and cleaning of area behind switchyard at PHBPL
598 Supply Installation and Commissioning of energy Management System at PHBPL
TRN : 529951 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply installation and commissioning of energy management system at phbpl
599 Annual Rate Contract for housekeeping jobs at various units and plant buildings
TRN : 529188 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.38 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual rate contract for housekeeping jobs at various units and plant buildings
600 Construction of concrete connecting Road from Railway over Bridge (near railway Station) to Siju Village under CSR activities
TRN : 529189 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 95.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of concrete connecting road from railway over bridge (near railway station) to siju village under csr activities

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