You have searched for paradip-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

611 Civil modification job in Delhi Public School at Paradip Refinery Township, Paradip, Odisha.
TRN : 527218 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for civil modification job in delhi public school at paradip refinery township, paradip, odisha.
612 Plantation around Paradip Refinery for green belt development for the year 2018-19 at Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha.
TRN : 527219 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 72.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for plantation around paradip refinery for green belt development for the year 2018-19 at paradip refinery, paradip, odisha.
613 Balance face lifting, modification and other Civil works at various locations of Admin Canteen and Main Gate at Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha.
614 Replacement of chequered plate with Electroforged GI Gratings at platform at 74.094 M elevation of DCU Coke Drum Structure at Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha.
615 Repairing and leveling of playing ground area of NSCB stadium at Paradip Refinery Township, Paradip, Odisha.
TRN : 527222 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repairing and leveling of playing ground area of nscb stadium at paradip refinery township, paradip, odisha.
616 Supply and Installation works for replacement of roof sheets of four nos. ware houses WH-01 to WH-04 at Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha.
617 Construction of Library cum Conference hall under CSR activities at Balikuda high school, Balikuda, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha.
TRN : 527224 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 22.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of library cum conference hall under csr activities at balikuda high school, balikuda, jagatsinghpur, odisha.
618 Construction of Alternate Access Road to Flare Area, Widening of existing Access Road to Flare Area, Micro-grading and Drainage around Flare area and Micro-grading around VR tank farm area with allied jobs at Paradip Refinery, Paradip, Odisha.
619 Supply of Stackable Bulk Bag Pallets at IOCL Refinery
TRN : 525183 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 93.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of stackable bulk bag pallets at iocl refinery
620 Development of ATF facility at Paradip, Jatni and Raipur stations of Paradip-Raipur-Ranchi product pipeline
TRN : 525189 |  Paradip - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.93 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for development of atf facility at paradip, jatni and raipur stations of paradip-raipur-ranchi product pipeline

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