You have searched for parbhani-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

401 Construction of Paver Block from Dinesh Cement to House of Raut in W.No.04 at Yeshwant Nagar
TRN : 759316 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 51.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of paver block from dinesh cement to house of raut in at yeshwant nagar
402 Providing and Erecting Solar LED Fittings For Mhlhar Nagar at,ZARI Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Vasantrao Naik Tanda Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2018-19)
403 Providing and Erecting LED Street Light Fittings at, BRAHMPURI TARFE PATHRI Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under 14TH Finance Commission, 2019-20)
404 Providing and Erecting Solar LED Street Light Fittings at, BRAHMPURI TARFE PATHRI Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under 14TH Finance Commission, 2019-20)
405 Construction of Internal Paver Block For School at, BRAHMPURI TARFE PATHRI Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under 14TH Finance Commission, 2019-20)
406 Construction of Paver.Road In Ramai Nagar at, KHARAB DHANORA Tq.PALAM, Dist.Parbhani (Under Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojna, 2019-20)
407 Construction Paver Block.Road In Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar at, DEVTHANA Tq.PURNA, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Dalit Vasti sudhar Yojana,2019-20)
408 Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road and Cement Concrete Drain In Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar at, NIVALI BK. TQ.JINTUR, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2019-20)
409 Construction of Paver.Road In Sathe Nagar at, PETHPIMPALGAON Tq.PALAM, Dist.Parbhani (Under Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojna, 2019-20)
410 Construction of Paver Block Road and C.C.Drain In Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar at, DHANORA MOTYA Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Dalit Vasti Sudhar Yojana, 2019-20)

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