You have searched for parbhani-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

411 Providing and Erecting Solar LED Fittings at, DHANEWADI Tq.PALAM, Dist.Parbhani (Under Smart Gram Yojana, 2019-20)
TRN : 758127 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for providing and erecting solar led fittings at, dhanewadi tq.palam, dist.parbhani (under smart gram yojana, 2019-20)
412 Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road at, PATHARA Tq.PARBHANI, Dist.PARBHANI (Under Minority Self, 2019-20)
TRN : 758128 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of internal cement concrete road at, pathara tq.parbhani, dist.parbhani (under minority self, 2019-20)
413 Providing of Cement Bag For Work of Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road at, KINHOLA (KH.) Tq.PATHRI, Dist.Parbhani (Under 2515.Fund, 2019-20)
414 Construction of Paver Block at, EARANDESHWAR Tq.Purna, Dist.Parbhani (Under 14Th Finance Commission, 2019-20)
TRN : 758130 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for construction of paver block at, earandeshwar tq.purna, dist.parbhani (under 14th finance commission, 2019-20)
415 Construction of Internal Under Ground Drainage System at EARANDESHWAR Tq.Purna, Dist.Parbhani (Under 14Th Finance Commission, 2019-20)
416 Construction of Gram Panchyat Office at village Babhali. Tq Dist. Parbhani. (Under Hon. Balasaheb Thakarey Smruti Matoshree Grampanchyat Bandhani Yojana. (25152557) 2019-2020).
417 C/R to Ambegaon (CH.) to Kolhewadi road (VR-47) km 0/00 to 1/700. Tq. Manwat Dist. Parbhani (Under C/R Fund 2020-2021).
TRN : 758133 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 22.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for c/r to ambegaon (ch.) to kolhewadi road (vr-47) km 0/00 to 1/700. tq. manwat dist. parbhani (under c/r fund 2020-2021).
418 Construction of Beautification for Primary Health Sub Centre at Daithana. Tq. and Dist. Parbhani (Under D.P.D.C. Fund 2019-2020).
TRN : 758134 |  Parbhani - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of beautification for primary health sub centre at daithana. tq. and dist. parbhani (under d.p.d.c. fund 2019-2020).
419 Construction of Paver Block In Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Premises at, TADKALAS Tq.Purna, Dist.Parbhani (Under 14Th Finance Commission, 2019-20)
420 Construction of Internal Cement Concrete Road at, TADKALAS Tq.Purna, Dist.Parbhani (Under 14Th Finance Commission, 2019-20)

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