You have searched for pilibhit-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

131 Construction of Alopathic Chikitsa Kendra Building in Bisalpur Town Area Block Bisalpur Vidhayak Nidhi
TRN : 609413 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 13.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of alopathic chikitsa kendra building in bisalpur town area block bisalpur vidhayak nidhi
132 Construction of Aurvadic Chikitsa Kendra Building in Bisalpur Town Area Block Bisalpur, Vidhayak Nidhi
TRN : 609415 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of aurvadic chikitsa kendra building in bisalpur town area block bisalpur, vidhayak nidhi
133 Maintenance of Block Office Barkhera, Distt.-Pilibhit
TRN : 588599 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for maintenance of block office barkhera, distt.-pilibhit
134 Maintenance Work of Block Office Marauri, Distt. Pilibhit
TRN : 588601 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for maintenance work of block office marauri, distt. pilibhit
135 Ahuja Make Sound Systems in Gandhi Auditorium, Pilibhit
TRN : 588605 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for ahuja make sound systems in gandhi auditorium, pilibhit
136 Construction of Cricket Pitch at Gandhi Stadium Pilibhit
TRN : 588607 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of cricket pitch at gandhi stadium pilibhit
137 Hiring & Operation of 01 No. diesel operated vehicle for Executive Engineer , Electricity Test Division , Pilibhit under SE, EDC, Pilibhit.
TRN : 655241 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
Tender award for hiring & operation of 01 no. diesel operated vehicle for executive engineer , electricity test division , pilibhit under se, edc, pilibhit.
138 Supply of L-piece for 250 KVA T/F under EDD-
TRN : 616431 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
Tender award for supply of l-piece for 250 kva t/f under edd-
TRN : 576534 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Nirman Evam Sharam Vikash Sahkari Sangh Limited
Tender award for labour work at gau sanrakshan kendra pilibhit
TRN : 576536 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Nirman Evam Sharam Vikash Sahkari Sangh Limited
Tender award for labour work at gau sanrakhan kendra pilibhit cattle shed

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