You have searched for pilibhit-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 work for Providing of A.B.C. Type 09 Kg. New Fire Extinguisher make Fire Fox / Rapid-x/ DFS( ISI), fire buckets stand and Fire Bucket At 33/11 KV Different S/s, Under EDD, Puranpur under EDC Pilibhit
182 Work of carriage of damaged 05 MVA T/F and installation of new 05 MVA T/F at 33/11 KV S/s Dwaria kalan , under EDD
TRN : 604919 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
Tender award for work of carriage of damaged 05 mva t/f and installation of new 05 mva t/f at 33/11 kv s/s dwaria kalan , under edd
183 Outsourcing of 04 no. Skilled (ITI Electrician From Govt. Recognized Institute) and For Operation at newly constructed 33/11 KV Haripur , Under jurisdiction of EDD, Puranpur
184 Outsourcing Skilled (I.T.I. Electrician Trade Passed) And Unskilled Labour For Operation Of Sub Station And Maintenance Of Lines, Consumer Complaints, Connection & Disconnection At Newly Constructed 33/11 KV Substation Haripur Under EDD, Puranpur,under EDC, Pilibhit
185 Name of Work: Work giving connection to Payjal Yojna Village Noujaliya Nakta under Deposited Fund -2017-18, Under EDD, Puranpur Under EDC,
TRN : 523654 |  Pilibhit - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 97.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
Tender award for name of work: work giving connection to payjal yojna village noujaliya nakta under deposited fund -2017-18, under edd, puranpur under edc,

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