You have searched for pipavav-gujarat- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Repair and maintenance of qtr. No. B 65 occupied by Mr. Devendra Singh Thakur, Sr. Surveyor at Basant Vihar Colony and qtr. No. B 13 occupied By Mr. Asish Kumar Tiwari at Ashok Vihar Colony under Ashok OCP, Piparwar Area.
2 Making one badminton court at 172 colony under Gm unit Piparwar Area
TRN : 856888 |  Pipavav - Gujarat
Contract Value : 1.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making one badminton court at 172 colony under gm unit piparwar area
3 Repair and maintenance of qtr. No. B 175 and B 168 occupied by Shri. Haidar Ali, Cat I and Shri. Islam Ansari, D. Operator at Basant Vihar Colony under Ashok OCP, Piparwar Area.
4 Removal of extra earth on flank of CTR from check post to benti nallah under Ashok project.
TRN : 856890 |  Pipavav - Gujarat
Contract Value : 2.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for removal of extra earth on flank of ctr from check post to benti nallah under ashok project.
5 Repair of central road pot holes in mine area under Ashok Project.
TRN : 856891 |  Pipavav - Gujarat
Contract Value : 15.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair of central road pot holes in mine area under ashok project.
6 Miscellaneous part repair workat qtr. No.B 18,B 112,B 90, B 93, B 65, MQ 335, MQ 73, MQ 304, MQ 02, MQ 366, Block No. B 163 to170,B 195 to 202 and B 91 to 106 at Basant Vihar Colony under Ashok OCP , Piparwar Area.
7 Supply of drinking water from BOCM filter plant to Rajdhar and Thethangi village by tractor with 5000 ltr capacity water tanker for a period of 06 months under Ashok OCP.
8 Regular cleaning and maintenance of 14 nos. Weigh bridges located at different places at Ashok mines, erstwhile Piparwar mine, RCM Siding and Rajdhar Siding for a period of 12 months under Ashok Project.
9 Supplying of sand to be used as stemming material in blasting of OB and providing fixing of sand filled bages at suitable places including filling of empty bages for muffling the blasting for control of fly rocks and controlled blasting all complete
10 Suppression of dust by spraying water through tanker on road surface from destination CHP CPP office to destination pilot mine CTR junction via CISF camp, bahera Railway crossing, railway RCC underpass, billari Basti SHAJ road etcas shown in the rout

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