You have searched for pipavav-gujarat- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Day to Day cleaning of 02 nos of electronic road weighbridges No 1 and 2 at RCM siding in general shift for a period of 01 year under Ashok OCP of Piparwar Area
12 Hiring of 01 no diesel truck (10 ton capacity) for a period of three years against the surveyed off diesel truck Regn No BR-13H-1068 of Piparwar Project
13 Procurement of spares for Komatsu Wheel Loader (L7) of Piparwar Project.
TRN : 646948 |  Pipavav - Gujarat
Contract Value : 21.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of spares for komatsu wheel loader (l7) of piparwar project.
14 Concertina coil fencing over top of campus boundary wall including repair of boundary wall in explosive magazine under Piaprwar Project Piparwar Area.
15 Water supply through deep boring with storage tank to saraswati Sishu Mandir BOCM of churi east panchayat under CSR scheme 18-19 under Gm Unit Piparwar Area.
16 Supply and fixing of different connector for 33 KV Central Switching Station under GM Unit, Piparwar Area
TRN : 627625 |  Pipavav - Gujarat
Contract Value : 3.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply and fixing of different connector for 33 kv central switching station under gm unit, piparwar area
17 Complete servicing and calibration of 13 nos Mechanical type Anemometer at RRRT Burhar SECL Sohagpur Area calibration to be done two times on half yearly basis
18 Bush cutting and surface dressing work in front and back side of boundary wall around sangam vihar under GM Unit Piaprwar Area.
19 Various petty repair an maintenance civil works including provision of one no. tool room in Kayakalp Vatika under Piaprwar Project Piparwar Area.
20 Laying and dismantling of 10 inch dia pipeline in Ashok OCP
TRN : 628139 |  Pipavav - Gujarat
Contract Value : 8.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for laying and dismantling of 10 inch dia pipeline in ashok ocp

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