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41 Providing Sluice valves at various Syphon pipe outlets provided at N.H.C between RD 16185 - 177400.
TRN : 732929 |  Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value : 6.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for providing sluice valves at various syphon pipe outlets provided at n.h.c between rd 16185 - 177400.
42 construction of washroom and outdoor area of Sub Divisional Office
TRN : 732930 |  Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for construction of washroom and outdoor area of sub divisional office
43 Operation and Maintenance of Existing Sewer lines, Rising Main, MPS and STP and all other works contingent thereto at Sri Chamkaur Sahib, Distt. Ropar for the year 2019-20 (01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020).
44 Dismantling and relaying of 600mm id RCC NP3 Pipe Sewer,Construction of MH Chamber, Dismantling and relaying of 250mm id DIK7 WS Pipe Line and all other works contingent thereto near Holy Family School Nangal Road
45 Providing Casting of cement concrete blocks over leakaging joints of RCC P1 Rising Main and all other works contingent thereto at Morinda.
46 Providing and laying of 100 i/d DIK7 W/S pipe line, providing and laying of 200mm i/d UPVC pipe sewer and all other works contingent in various streets of Morinda town.
47 Drilling and Development of 1 No. Tube well of size 300mm x 200mm upto 300 Mtr. Depth or where sufficient quantity of potable water is available and all other works contingent thereto in Ward No. 12 Near Radha Soami Satsang Bhawan Desumajra at Kharar
48 Rehablitation of Jandusingha Disty Package RD 19000-40000 by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.
49 Internal clearance Weed, Jala, Buti, Deela, Jangal etc. including silt manually from the inner section of lined Dehlon Distributary RD 29540-65500
50 Rehablitation of Jandusingha Disty Package RD 0-19000 by concrete lining M-15 concrete mix, mixed in automatic batching and mixing plant,carried to site of work in transit mixers of, laid manually to specified thickness.

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