73Up gradation and Strengthening of Sri Anandpur Sahib to Garhshankar road (Section ODR 1, RD 0.00 to 8.57, 8.57 km and MDR-55 RD 32.620-40.820 - 8.20 km , 8.57 plus 8.20 - 16.770 km ) In Distt, Rupnagar (Approved under 5054 RB-10)
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
19.00 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
74Special Repair of water Lilly to IIT Road length 4.60 Kms falling in District Rupnagar (Approved under 3054 for the year 2019-20) Including Maintenance of road for 5 year (One year Defect Liability Period Plus Four Year Maintenance period)
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
1.47 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
75Special Repair of 4-Laned Ropar Bye Pass in Distt, Rupnagar Including Maintenance of road for 5 year (One year Defect Liability Period, Four Year Maintenance period)
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
11.62 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
76Up gradation and Strengthening of Sri Anandpur Sahib to Garhshankar road (Section ODR 1, RD 0.00 to 8.57, 8.57 km and MDR-55 RD 32.620-40.820 - 8.20 km , 8.57 plus 8.20 - 16.770 km ) In Distt, Rupnagar (Approved under 5054 RB-10)
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
19.00 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
77Special Repair of 4-Laned Ropar Bye Pass in Distt, Rupnagar Including Maintenance of road for 5 year (One year Defect Liability Period, Four Year Maintenance period)
Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value :
11.62 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department