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71 Concertina Coil Fencing On Boundary Wall on Katcha Phool Drain in NIELIT Building in District Rupnagar
TRN : 682108 |  Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for concertina coil fencing on boundary wall on katcha phool drain in nielit building in district rupnagar
72 Concertina Coil Fencing On Boundary Wall on Katcha Phool Drain in NIELIT Building in District Rupnagar
TRN : 704483 |  Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for concertina coil fencing on boundary wall on katcha phool drain in nielit building in district rupnagar
73 Special Repair of water Lilly to IIT Road length 4.60 Kms falling in District Rupnagar (Approved under 3054 for the year 2019-20) Including Maintenance of road for 5 year (One year Defect Liability Period Plus Four Year Maintenance period)
74 Up gradation and Strengthening of Sri Anandpur Sahib to Garhshankar road (Section ODR 1, RD 0.00 to 8.57, 8.57 km and MDR-55 RD 32.620-40.820 - 8.20 km , 8.57 plus 8.20 - 16.770 km ) In Distt, Rupnagar (Approved under 5054 RB-10)
75 Up gradation and Strengthening of Sri Anandpur Sahib to Garhshankar road (Section ODR 1, RD 0.00 to 8.57, 8.57 km and MDR-55 RD 32.620-40.820 - 8.20 km , 8.57 plus 8.20 - 16.770 km ) In Distt, Rupnagar (Approved under 5054 RB-10)
76 Special Repair of 4-Laned Ropar Bye Pass in Distt, Rupnagar Including Maintenance of road for 5 year (One year Defect Liability Period, Four Year Maintenance period)
77 Special Repair of 4-Laned Ropar Bye Pass in Distt, Rupnagar Including Maintenance of road for 5 year (One year Defect Liability Period, Four Year Maintenance period)
78 Construction of 1 No. OHSR of 0.50 lac. Gls. Capacity and all other works contingent thereto in Mohalla Indra Nagar W.No.6 at Nangal Distt. Ropar.
79 Sale of Sugar
TRN : 687041 |  Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value : 4.89 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Cooperation
Tender award for sale of sugar
80 Water Supply Scheme Jindapur
TRN : 684254 |  Ropar - Punjab
Contract Value : 56.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for water supply scheme jindapur

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