You have searched for sehore-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Acceptance cum work order of tender opened on 11-2-2020 fore the work of providing services for scientific and safe storage of wheat in silo bags
TRN : 851917 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 17.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Warehousing And Logistics Corporation
Tender award for acceptance cum work order of tender opened on 11-2-2020 fore the work of providing services for scientific and safe storage of wheat in silo bags
32 Construction and Upgradation of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges under PMGSY-III Including maintenance for five year after construction
TRN : 839913 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.35 Crore | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for construction and upgradation of rural roads/cds/bridges under pmgsy-iii including maintenance for five year after construction
33 Construction and Upgradation of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges under PMGSY-III Including maintenance for five year after construction
TRN : 839916 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.95 Crore | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for construction and upgradation of rural roads/cds/bridges under pmgsy-iii including maintenance for five year after construction
34 Protection Work in Jigrai Nallah beyond Silt Flushing Tunnel (SFT) Outlet Portal of Parbati H.E Project (Stage-II) (Package No. C-565)
TRN : 836531 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 53.75 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for protection work in jigrai nallah beyond silt flushing tunnel (sft) outlet portal of parbati h.e project (stage-ii) (package no. c-565)
35 Annual Repair work of Irrigation colony and Division office Sehore Under Ghoghra Project Sub Division Sehore
TRN : 833506 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for annual repair work of irrigation colony and division office sehore under ghoghra project sub division sehore
36 Repair and Maintenance of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges completed 10 years.
TRN : 839902 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.31 Crore | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for repair and maintenance of rural roads/cds/bridges completed 10 years.
37 Repair and Maintenance of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges completed 10 years.
TRN : 839903 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 31.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for repair and maintenance of rural roads/cds/bridges completed 10 years.
38 Repair and Maintenance of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges completed 10 years.
TRN : 839899 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 69.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for repair and maintenance of rural roads/cds/bridges completed 10 years.
39 Repair and Maintenance of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges completed 10 years.
TRN : 839900 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.21 Crore | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for repair and maintenance of rural roads/cds/bridges completed 10 years.
40 Construction and Upgradation of Rural Roads/CDs/Bridges under PMGSY-III Including maintenance for five year after construction
TRN : 839914 |  Sehore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.73 Crore | Agency Name : Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority
Tender award for construction and upgradation of rural roads/cds/bridges under pmgsy-iii including maintenance for five year after construction

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