You have searched for shahdol-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

351 Loading of Coal by Pay loader into tipper at Gourangdih Coal Depot and transportation of coal from Gourangdih Coal Depot to Mobile Crusher of Bonjemehari Railway Siding
352 Construction of 30 nos RCC ventilation stoppings in T14 and dip side of T16 panel(CM Panel) and T3(SDL Panel) at seam VII Khairaha UG Mine of Sohagpur Area.
353 Strengthening of Trunk belts (TB1,TB2,TB3 and MR2 at Bangwar UG Mine of Sohagpur Area.
TRN : 540512 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 28.63 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for strengthening of trunk belts (tb1,tb2,tb3 and mr2 at bangwar ug mine of sohagpur area.
354 Hiring of 01 no Diesel jeep on rental basis, The age of the vehicle shall not be more than one year from the scheduled date of opening of tender with drivers for a period of 03 Years 1095 days for operating with SAM Pool Duty of AOCM of SECL SGP Area
355 Procurement of Welding Wlectrodes
TRN : 540523 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 10.04 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of welding wlectrodes
356 Hiring of 01 no Diesel jeep on rental basis The age of the vehicle shall not be more than one year from the scheduled date of opening of tender with drivers for a period of 03 Years 1096 days for operating with Area Security Officer of SECL SGP Area
357 Supply of SPARES FOR M AND P MAKE 80/100 CSN 108 m3/HR 50 m. HEAD PUMP
TRN : 540511 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.68 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of spares for m and p make 80/100 csn 108 m3/hr 50 m. head pump
358 Hiring of 01 no 52 seater capacity school bus on rental basis The age of the vehicle shall not be more than one year from the scheduled date of opening of tender with drivers Khalasi etc for a period of 03 Years Rajendra UG Mine of SECL Sohagpur Area
359 Supply of Battery for HEMM
TRN : 539872 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.47 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of battery for hemm
360 Repairing reconditioning of Bucket assy C of 20/90 Dragline {(1).ELECTRODES -Special dissimilar steel jointing electrodes,Low Hydrogen Electrodes,Hard facing Electrodes,Gouging/Cutting Electrodes –WILL BE PROVIDED DEPARTMENTALLY (2) CONSUMABLE MATERIALS (A) Industrial Gases - 4 sets & Cutting accesories –Will be provided Departmentally.(3)OTHER Consumable Materials -(A)Cleaning materials (B)Welding accesories like Holders,cables,Grinding stone AG-4 etc (C)Steel plates,C-30 flat bars-200 kg,(D)Manganese steel plates (25mm)-200 kg (4) LABOUR COST for welding 370kg electrodes @ 5kg/shift ie 74 Manshifts (A)Skilled welder for 74 manshifts (B)Skilled fitter for 74 manshifts,(C)semiskilled labour for 148 manshifts,(D)skilled Grinderman for 10 manshifts,(E)Supervisor for 37 days (5) TOOLS & TACKLES HIRING CHARGES (A) Hiring of 02 nos welding machines for 37 days,(2) Hiring of 01 no Grinding machine for 15 days (5) Party profit @ 10%}

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