You have searched for shahdol-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
371Transportation, Installation and commissioning of 4 Nos. Belt conveyors in UG for preparatory work for introduction of CM at Bangwar U/G Mine of Sohagpur Area.
Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
36.81 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Coalfields Limited
377Making of all different station ,erection of temporary stoppings and installation shifting of different E and M items (i.e. LHD,UDM gate end box, Auxiliary fan, transformer and Bas-bar) in ug working district at Bangwar UG Mine
Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
4.63 Lacs |Agency Name :
South Eastern Railways