You have searched for shahid-bhagat-singh-nagar-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Rough Cost estimate for laying of paver from 2001 and 1255 block in Sec-68 ward no. 36.
TRN : 664168 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for laying of paver from 2001 and 1255 block in sec-68 ward no. 36.
12 Rough Cost estimate for development of slip road at computer institute junction in ward no. 22 Sec-70.
TRN : 664169 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for development of slip road at computer institute junction in ward no. 22 sec-70.
13 Rough Cost estimate for laying of paver blocks House no 2226 block in Sec-61, Ph-7 ward no. 21
TRN : 664170 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for laying of paver blocks house no 2226 block in sec-61, ph-7 ward no. 21
14 Rough Cost estimate for Providing/laying of paver block in house no. 823 block and misc. repair work in ward no. 19, Ph-7.
TRN : 664171 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for providing/laying of paver block in house no. 823 block and misc. repair work in ward no. 19, ph-7.
15 Rough Cost estimate for up gradation of footpath and other misc. works in park near BSNL and park near house no. 108, ward no. 14, PH-3A.
TRN : 664172 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for up gradation of footpath and other misc. works in park near bsnl and park near house no. 108, ward no. 14, ph-3a.
16 Rough Cost estimate for laying of paver blocks in 532 and 357 block in Sec-59, Ph-4, ward no. 11
TRN : 664173 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for laying of paver blocks in 532 and 357 block in sec-59, ph-4, ward no. 11
17 Tender For Upgradation / Widening of Existing Narrow Culverts / Bridges at Various Link Roads Group No.4 MC Nawanshahar Distt. SBS Nagar NSR(SBSN)019-053 (Time 9 Months)
18 Tender For Upgradation / Widening of Existing Narrow Culverts / Bridges at Various Link Roads Group No.3 MC Nawanshahar Distt. SBS Nagar NSR(SBSN)019-052 (Time 9 Months)
19 Tender For Upgradation / Widening of Existing Narrow Culverts / Bridges at Various Link Roads Group No.2 MC Nawanshahar Distt. SBS Nagar NSR(SBSN)019-051 (Time 9 Months)
20 Tender for Upgradation / Widening of Existing Culverts at Link Road Rahon-Aur road to Banga-Nawanshahar Road Group No.1 MC Nawanshahar Distt. SBS Nagar NSR(SBSN)019-050 (Time 9 Months)

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