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61 Prov YL System in AY and Parking Area in NGM Wiring and Lighting Arangement in Steel Tubular Cover Shed at Mandi Sultanpur Loadhi, Prov. Tower Lighting System in Sub yard Bahroana, Repairing to Tower Lighting System in Various SY MC Sultanpur Lodhi.
62 Annual Maintenance of Dumping ground Ind area phase 8B
TRN : 650971 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 77.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for annual maintenance of dumping ground ind area phase 8b
63 Supply of 6 Computer table and 6 small revolving chairs for property tax branch MC S.A.S Nagar
TRN : 650974 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 50.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for supply of 6 computer table and 6 small revolving chairs for property tax branch mc s.a.s nagar
64 Purchase of chairs for fire station mohali
TRN : 650975 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 72.6 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for purchase of chairs for fire station mohali
65 Repair of water tanker no-2
TRN : 650976 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 48.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repair of water tanker no-2
66 Repairing of tipper body no. PB12F7806
TRN : 650977 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 49.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repairing of tipper body no. pb12f7806
67 R/C estimate for supply of tricycle 90No for door to door collection in city in S.A.S Nagar.
TRN : 650980 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.85 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for r/c estimate for supply of tricycle 90no for door to door collection in city in s.a.s nagar.
68 Rough cost estimate for installation of single seat toilet blocks in slum areas and other ODF spots in the city
TRN : 650981 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 92.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for installation of single seat toilet blocks in slum areas and other odf spots in the city
69 Repair/Renovation of MC residences at H.No-1984-1985
TRN : 650982 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 75.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repair/renovation of mc residences at
70 R/C estimate for Construction of sheds and laying of paver blocks for compost pit in different places of the city in S.A.S Nagar
TRN : 650984 |  Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for r/c estimate for construction of sheds and laying of paver blocks for compost pit in different places of the city in s.a.s nagar

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